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Application STEP 1: Online Submission

Application Procedure STEP 1: Online Submission This website is for those who are going to apply for a Chinese visa inSingapore. Please make sure youve chosen the correct location. (Check the Upper right corner of the page) 1.Create an account and sign in.(Check the Upper right corner of the page)



Application STEP 2: Offline Submission at the Visa Centre after approved online (Appointment is not required. )

Application Procedure STEP 2: Offline Submission at the Visa Centre after approved online (Appointment is not required.) 1. Submission at the Visa Centre Please bring the followingdocuments, andyou might be required to provide more documents at the Centre if deemed necessary. (1)Originalpassport



Application STEP 3: Collection

Application Procedure STEP 3:Collection From the day you submit the application at the Visa Centre: Collection is on the 4thworking day for regular service. Collection is on the 3rdworking day for express service. Please make collection during the opening hours at the Visa Centrewith the original



For accompanying domestic helper, please apply for S2 visa.

For accompanying domestic helper, please apply for S2 visa.



Public Holiday Notice for 2025

假日名称 放假安排 元旦 New Year's Day 2024年1月1日星期一 春节 Chinese NewYear 2024年2月10日- 14日 星期六至星期三 耶稣受难日 Good Friday 2024年3月29日 星期五 开斋节 Hari Raya Puasa 2024年4月10日 星期三 劳动节 Labour Day 2024年5月1日 星期三 卫塞节
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