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Further clarifications on issues related to the implementation of the visa-free entry policy for Greek citizens

FromOctober15,2024untilDecember31,2025,GreekcitizensholdingordinarypassportscanenterChinavisa-freeforbusiness(M),tourism(L),familyvisit(Q2,S2)andtransit(G)purposesforupto15days.Belowaresomefurtherclarificationsontheimplementationofvisa-freeentrypolicy: 1.Thetimeperiodofthevisa-freepolicyisfromOctobe



Frequently Asked Questions about the pilot visa-free policy for Greece and other 4 countries

1.问:外国人适用免签政策来华是否需要通过中国驻外使领馆提前申报? Question 1: Do foreigncitizenseligible for visa-free entry to China need to noticethe Chinese Embassies or Consulatesin advance? 答:符合条件的外国人适用免签政策来华无需事先向中国驻外使领馆申报。 Answer:Foreigncitizens eligiblefor the



Notice on adjustments to the visa policy for Greek citizens traveling to China

To further promote people-to-people exchanges between China andGreece, from 0:00(Beijing time) onOctober15, 2024to 24:00 (Beijing time) onDecember31, 2025, the Chinese government will implement 15-day visa free policy forGreekcitizens holding ordinary passport who enter China for business, tourism,



Notice on the issuance of five-year multiple business ,tourist and family visit visas to Greek citizens

From July 10th, 2024, the Chinese Embassy in Greece will issue 5-year multiple entry visas to eligible Greek citizens holding valid passports for business, tourism and family visitspurposesin China.



Notice on launching the new version of the Visa Application Center website

Due to system upgrade, the website of the Athens Chinese Visa Application Center www.visaforchina.cnwill be switched to a new website on August 29, 2024 (Thursday). At that time, please complete the filling and submission of the visa application form on the new websitein order to successfullysubmit
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